Friday, May 8, 2009

journal 35 may 8th 09

while it is against the law in many states to marry your sister or first cousin there is no law forbidding a man from marrying his widow's sister.

why not?

because he isn't blood related.  back in old times it was a common practice for widows to be married to a member of his deceased husband's family so that she would be taken care of. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

journal 34 may 7th 09

a basket contains 5 apples.  do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each on has one whole apple and one apple stays in the basket?

give the kid the apple and the basket

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

journal 32 may 5th 09

the stories of the sith war before episode one of star wars.

I would love to see all the books come to life about exar'kun!  he was THE sith.  also the stories about when the sith were more predominant than jedi and they had a massive way over who was more powerful.  also when it was decided that there would only be 2 sith, a master and an apprentice.  that would be so awesome :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

journal 31 may 4th 09

a horse is tied to the end of a 20 ft rope and there is a bail of hay 25 ft away from him.  yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay.  how is this possible?

he's tied by his tail, so he can reach for it :)

or it's not tied to anything

Friday, May 1, 2009

journal 30 may 1st 09

count the number of black dots and the number of white dots that you see in the animation below.  

24 white dots are actually there but it is an optical illusion so the black dots appear when you stare at one white dot.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

journal 29 april 30th 2009

go to
 play the game until 230 and record your score


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

journal 27 april 28th 09

a woman lives on the tenth floor of an apartment building. every morning she takes the elevator all the way down, and goes to work.  in the evening, she gets into the elevator, and goes to work.  in the evening, she gets into the elevator, and if there is someone else in it she goes back to her floor directly.  otherwise, she goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to her apartment.  why?

she's too short to reach the buttons, or she likes exercise

Monday, April 27, 2009

journal 26 april 27th 09

there are four people in an adventure race that need to get across a lake.  they have a small canoe.  the rules say that only the slowest person in the canoe can paddle, only one or two can be in the canoe at a time, and they must all cross in the canoe.  from practice they know that: ann can paddle across in 1 minute.  bill can paddle across in 2 minutes.  sue can paddle across in 5 minutes.  mike can paddle across in 10 minutes.  

how do they get everyone across the river in the fastest time without breaking the rules?

take mike sue and ann, drop off mike and sue. (that's 10 min)  ann rows back (1 min)  then picks up bill goes back (2 min) total of 13 min

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

journal 23 april 21st 09


After weeks of searching, trials of all sorts, battle after battle, Klarke finally finds Jaine.  She finally let her gaurd down to let him in.  The feeling of relief as he holds her in his arms is almost unreal.  He can't believe he's finally got her back.  She looks up at him with tears in her eyes realizing what she's been missing all these years.  They just stay in an embrace for a few minutes before speaking.  He just quietly tells her that he's been waiting for her, trying to find her.  He would have searched until his death to get her back.  She says to him that she had been watching over him for quite sometime to see if he had changed.  She wasn't ready to have her heart broken again and she had to be sure.  They hug again and she looks up at him in the embrace and just smiles and then puts her head on  his shoulder.  The End. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

journal 22 april 20th 09

describe some conflict that your character faces.

The major conflict that the protagonist faces in the story is the battle of his mind to find his lost friend he presumed dead after years of not hearing from her.  He receives clues about her existence, but every time he feels that he is close to finding her, he has a major setback in one form or another.  
The other female character faces the conflict of being able to trust again.  She wants to be with her friend, but she fears the outcome of what may transpire if she lets her feelings be known to him.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

journal 20 april 16th 09

continuation of the story yesterday.

As he reaches the house, thoughts flood his head about what he may or may not find.  He is scared that this is a wild goose chase.  Klarke makes his arrival at his destination but something just still doesn't feel right.  He walks up to the door and is about to knock when something comes out of nowhere and tackles him.  It's a person but it doesn't look like a normal person.  They look mutated or deformed from some disease.  As he is lying on the ground, the person lunges again to attack him.  He rolls out of the way.  A battle ensues.  He isn't armed with anything so he defends himself the best he can, but his attacker is beginning to win.  Out of no where a dagger flies by Klarke and into the shoulder of his attacker.   He whips his head around to find another man standing there prepared to help him.  The attacker changes his fight to the new man.  After a few more daggers thrown at the person, he flees.  Klarke still in a stun of the quickness everything had happened begins to walk towards the man.  
The man is picking up his daggers that the attacker had thrown out of his body before his departure.  "The name is Russell, no need for thanks.  I've been following you and him for some time now." Klarke just stands there speechless for a moment, still deciphering what just happened.   "He has radiation sickness, it effects people in different ways, he wanted to probably take any valuables that you had to get some drugs to ease the pain."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

journal 19 april 15 09

on day 13 you created a summary of your story.  the summary gives you the basics on which oyou can hang the details of your story.  over the next few days, you will add muscle and flesh to your story.  tell us more about the bits and pieces that you have us previously. using the narrative format, weave the summary into a story.  
Previous text.
A tall lanky man is shown walking through the streets of what would be a city being rebuilt.  It looks as if nuclear war had happened.  He's walking alone with his headset on listening to his favorite band.  As he is walking, a girl running in the opposite direction nearly knocks him down when she runs into him.  She catches herself and glances at the man for a brief second before she starts running again, not noticing that she dropped a notebook.  He picks it up and begins to tell her of her lost possession, but she is too far gone.  He debates a moment before he opens it.  It reads a name and an address.  After a few more moments of debating, he decides to go to the address to return the notebook.  He heads to the address to find an old worn down industrial building.  He pokes his head in to see if there is any people around.  When finding no one he walks inside.  After looking around the dimly lit room, he sees a door with a faint light coming out from underneath the door.  Hoping that someone would be in there he advances to the door. 
He walks into a large dimly lit, musty chamber.  he sees a huge alien black cylinder glowing softly in the center if the room
he walks over and touches it.  the room begins to crumble.  dark and intense music plays, the screen fades to black.

The man wakes up in a room not knowing where he is.  He takes in the scenery.  He's on a bed made up of old blankets in a very run down room.  With the presence of some make shift pots and pans, and some discarded clothing, it looks as if someone has been living here recently.  He sits up and a huge headache is pounding at his brain.  He looks around another minute.  On the table beside him, there is a photo.  He picks it up and begins to look at it.  His jaw drops.  It's him, and his friend that has been missing.  He flips over the picture, it reads "Klarke and Jaine, Weekend at the Daubs."  Who would have had this picture?  How did they get ahold of it?  He begins to stand up and exit the room.  As he leaves the room, he realizes that it seems somewhat familiar.  He opens the door and walks outside.  It hits him, he is back in his old neighborhood.  Everything is run down or destroyed. How did he get here?  Who brought him here?  Why did they have that picture?  
It's in this moment he feels like he must search out to see if someone knows the whereabouts of Jaine.  But the main question is, where to start?  He takes another look at the photo, and decides to head to the place the party was at.  Feeling around in his hoodie pockets, he finds his MP3 player and puts his headphones on.  So begins the Klarke's journey.  
As he's walking to the house to see if he can find anymore clues, Klarke feels as if he is being watched or even followed.  After looking around several times, he dismisses it as just paranoia from being put in this situation. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

journal 18 april 14th 09

The protagonist awakes in a room on a bed.  The room is dark, industrial looking with pipes and sheet metal for the walls and on the ceiling.  The bed is a make shift bed made out of some old blankets and one worn out box spring.  Next to the bed is a barrel that is supposed to be like a night stand.  On the nightstand is a picture. The picture is of several people at what seems to be a party.  There is several other barrels and boxes that looked like were used to store food and clothing for someone recently.  On the wall, is a mural to what the city used to look like before the war.  In the mural there are two people standing looking over the city.  

journal 17 april 9th 09

psychological profile of the woman.
she was separated from her family and friends during the war.  During this time, she found a new make shift family with other people that had also been separated.  In her past, she was a very happy outgoing girl that love life and being around her friends.  After the fact, she has become distant to most people, not wanting to get attached to someone only to lose them.  She later finds her friend that she used to be very close to, but doesn't know if he still the same about her, so she slowly leaves clues about her existence to see his reactions.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

journal 16 april 8th 09

The other main character is a female.  She is in her early 20's, but has a very young face.  She's about 5'4" and weighs about 120lbs.  She has short reddish brown hair, but tends to wear beanies.  She has big blue eyes, with full lips.  She has piercings in her ears, eyebrow and lip.  She's wearing a long black cardigan,  with a bright orange shirt underneath.  Her pants are made of lightweight material that are frayed because they were too long for her.  She wears converse shoes that are black and white.  She wears a watch on her left wrist even though it doesn't work.  Her relationship with the protagonist is she runs into him and he finds her notebook.  She keeps reappearing throughout the game leaving clues behind as to the whereabouts of his lost friend.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

journal 15 april 7th 09

The man i described yesterday is a very shy person.  He has many friends but few close ones.  He's been hurt many times in the past, so trust is a huge issue with him.  He always carries his MP3 player because he finds peace in music.  Music can create all sorts of emotions in a person.  The bracelet that he wears was given to him by a friend that he fell in love with.  This person disappeared during the massive war that went on in the city a few years back.  He keeps it on as a reminder of a person that gave him a chance.   Even in the times where the city is in a state of chaos, he doesn't carry weapons because he doesn't believe that violence is always the answer.  He relies on his wits to get him through most situations.  He isn't opposed to picking up a weapon if his life is in danger, but only as a lasts resort.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

journal 14 april 06 09

the main character is male, in his mid twenties.  He's tall, about 6'2" and lanky weighing about 180lbs.  He's got short sandy blonde hair that is usually kept hidden in a fedora hat.  He's got small brown eyes, a bigger nose than normal.  He's wearing a black hoodie with wide legged jeans. He wears what most people call skater shoes, they are wide soled and black.  He's got a pink bracelet on his left wrist and a pair of sunglasses.  He's also got his MP3 player always attached to his ears.  In the beginning his doesn't have any weapons beyond his wits.  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

journal 11 april 2nd 09

write the intro sequence for a new game
your story starts as the protagonist walks into a large dimly lit, musty chamber.  he/she/it sees a huge alien black cylinder glowing softly in the center if the room
he/she/it walks over and touches it.  the room begins to crumble.  dark and intense music plays, the screen fades to black and the game play begins.

A tall lanky man is shown walking through the streets of what would be a city being rebuilt.  It looks as if nuclear war had happened.  He's walking alone with his headset on listening to his favorite band.  As he is walking, a girl running in the opposite direction nearly knocks him down when she runs into him.  She catches herself and glances at the man for a brief second before she starts running again, not noticing that she dropped a notebook.  He picks it up and begins to tell her of her lost possession, but she is too far gone.  He debates a moment before he opens it.  It reads a name and an address.  After a few more moments of debating, he decides to go to the address to return the notebook.  He heads to the address to find an old worn down industrial building.  He pokes his head in to see if there is any people around.  When finding no one he walks inside.  After looking around the dimly lit room, he sees a door with a faint light coming out from underneath the door.  Hoping that someone would be in there he advances to the door.    *enter the scene above*

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

journal 10 april 1st 09

file compression works be fining repeating elements and encoding them using a key
the three kids threw a ball through the theater
key "th-2" and "thre-3"
2e 3e kids 3w 2e ball through 2e 2eater. (saved 14 characters)
encode the following sentence using a key that you design:
Jack Sprat would eat no fat, his wife would eat no lean.  And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

the=2 wo=3 ea=4 at =5 no=6 ck=7

Ja7 Spr5 3uld 4t 6 f5, his wife 3uld 4t 6 l4n.  And so between 2 t3 of 2m 2y li7ed 2 pl4ter cl4n.


23 saved 

Monday, March 30, 2009

journal 8 march 30th 09

my spring break was a pretty fun one.  i didn't like having to work all day after being used to getting my 2 hour break coming to class.  my friend randy came down and got here on thursday.  also on thursday i was a cowboy hahaha!  relay for life started for my bank and last week was western week.  i spent the weekend with zip, loni, zac, and randy playing games until the wee hours of the morning so that was pretty fun!  all in all, spring break was pretty epic.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

journal 7 march 18th 09

if you were given $2,000,000 that had to be spent in one day on things that would disappear after that day, what would you spend it on?

I would probably gather up all 400 million of my relatives, and my friends, we'd head out to somewhere fun that none of us have been to.  we live how i think we deserve to live for that one day.  i would get them all their favorite foods, drinks, whatever they wanted for that day.  i care alot of my family and those friends i have.  it'd be epic to treat them for a day how i really could if i had the money.  hell we'd go to the moon!  

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

journal 6 march 7th 09

eskimos are excellent hunters who have a great reverence for the world and animals around them, traditionally they have not hunted penguins.
why do you think this is?  what cultural, religious or other factors do you think would influence their decision?

#1 penguins are adorable.  just had to get that out there.
i am not sure of cultural or religious reasons, but i would think maybe because penguins are a passive creature, and most wouldn't be worth the hunt to feed many.  their skins might be useful but a seal would have the same aspect of the skins but with more benefits with the food and the blubber to use to heat things or whatever else you use blubber for.  

journal 5 march 16th

blogger would not cooperate for me on this day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

journal 4 march 13th 09

a man left home in a hurry and ran a ways, the he turned left and ran the same distance, finally he turned left again, and then ran home.
when he got home there were two masked men waiting for m
who were they?

catcher and umpire.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

journal 3 march 12 09

i am weightless, but you can see me.  put me in a pail and i will make it lighter. what am i?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

journal 2 march 11 09

i went into the woods and got it.  i sat down to seek it.  i brought it home because i couldn't find it.  what is it?



Monday, March 9, 2009

journal 101 march 09 09

today is the final day of class
reflect on the past 45 days of class.
what did you enjoy? what did you dislike?
what would you like to have learned?
what can you take away from this class?

I enjoyed pretty much the whole class.  when i first started illustrator, i didn't have any love for it, and after taking this class i have grown to love it.  I like the style of vector art, so this class has taught me how to create it.  there isn't anything off the top of my head that i can think of that i disliked, other than the afore mentioned that i didn't like illustrator to begin with.  i just wish i could have spent more time with it, because i'm really enjoying working with illustrator.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

journal 100 march 5th 09

i make you weak at the worst of all times
i keep you safe, i keep you fine
i make your hands sweat and your heart grow cold.
i visit the weak, but seldom the bold.
i afflict men and women, both young and old
i will command your attention, but seldom deserve it.

what am i?

i thought fear but it doesn't keep you fine?  or does it?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

journal 99 march 4th 09

parallel we always go.
when things get hard we rarely show
a history of time gone by 
though time will face us by and by
the more that you take of me
the more of me you have to leave.

what am i?



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

journal 98 march 03 09

be you ever so quick, with vision so keen,
by your eyes, we are never seen.
unless perchance it should come to pass,
you see our reflection in the looking glass.
who are we?


Monday, March 2, 2009

journal 97 march 02 09

on a recent tv show, a woman admitted that she had cheated on her husband and would leave him if her ex boyfriend would have her, she had lied on her resume and she was once arrested for stealing from her employer, and yet she still considered herself a good person?
what is your definition of "good"? in a paragraph or two explain what constitutes a bad person is does or does not do.

to me a bad person is one who is a compulsive liar, only does things that will benefit themselves, very two faced.   bad people aren't patient, considerate or generally nice.  they think of the worst first and expect all the bad things in the world to happen to them.  generally, bad people are just people i do not care to be around and avoid at all costs.  in the paragraph above, there could have been reasons why the woman did what she did and would consider herself a good person still.  her husband could have been abusive, she might have lied about how long she worked at a job or why she quit because she was embaressed, and maybe the stealing was accidental.  who knows. 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

journal 96 feb 26th 09

opposites often exaggerate an idea
who is this gentlemen?
what is his financial/social position in society
what if the same guy was sitting by a fish pond?
what if he were surrounded by college students on a grassy knoll?

in this picture the gentlemen looks like a  homeless person.  the fact he is sitting by a wall on the street while people pass him by give this impression.  if he was sitting by a fish pond you might just this it was some old man by the pond to just spend some time outside enjoying life.  if he were surrounded by college students on a grassy knoll you might think he is a teacher, or a guest lecturer talking to the students about whatever subject he may be teaching or familiar with.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

journal 95 feb 25th 09

objects and ideas only make sense in relationship to other objects or ideas
why do we see this kitten as tiny?
would it possible to make it look huge?

i think we see it as tiny because that is just a common concept with baby kitties.  also with the ears being down and the eyes closed, it gives the message that the kitten was born just a short time ago.  plus with the kitten being in the palm of someone's hand gives the impression that it is tiny.

if you wanted to make the kitten look huge, you would need to place objects around it that were smaller, but could possible be big.  something to give the false impression of size.  maybe place it in a box that could be in any size but it barely fits in.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

journal 94 feb 24th 09

if you break me, i do not stop working.  if you touch me and i may be snared.  if you lose me, nothing will matter.  what am i?

the heart.

Monday, February 23, 2009

journal 93 feb 23rd 09

you are lost in the wilderness without a compass, GPS, cell phone, etc, you have lost your sense of direction, but know that there is a creek to the west of you about 10 miles.  if you can find the creek and follow it, you are sure to find people camping and fishing who can help you.

over the course of 10 miles you could veer north or south by only a few degrees and you would miss the creek.

come up with three ways that you can find north.

you may use the web if you need it to help you find the three solutions. 

one way is the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  you could go by that to determine which direction to go. 

brush typically is thicker on the south side than the north side.  

at night find the north star!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

journal 91 feb 19 09

using the four identical dice, identify how the dots are laid out on a die.  use the image beow to help you place the dots in their proper order.

1 = 4
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 5
5 = 1

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

journal 90 feb 18th 09

a person is lying dead in the middle of a field.  four feet away is a backpack the contents of which was meant to save his life, but instead was the cause of his death. he did not intentionally kill himself and nobody else harmed him.  he did not die of natural causes.  what was the man carrying in his backpack?

spoiled food or water?

real answer: parachute, failed parachute

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

journal 89 feb 17th 09

begin with an unmarked tub that contains a little more than 17 gallons of water.
you have a three gallon and a five gallon measuring device.  without losing any water, measure out four gallons and twelve gallons into two separate unmarked tubs.
you cannot retrieve water from the unmarked tubs once you have added it. 

first fill up the 5 gallon and dump it until the 3 gallon.  then dump the 2 remaining until tub a and the 3 gallon in tub b.  repeat this and you have your four gallon tub filled.  then fill up the 3 gallon two more times to make the twelve. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

journal 87 feb 11 09

controlling the contest of excessively violent video games is a topic currently under discussing among game developers and politicians
the question that is being ask is not "if" it should be controlled but by whom
should the game industry be externally or internally controlled by who, is a government, industry, game or parental responsibility?
what standards should be placed and how should they be enforced.

I definately do not think it should be the government that controls video games.  I would lean towards the parents and the industry.  the industry should take it upon themselves, like they have in the past, to have ratings for the games for the appropriate audiences.  I know some parents don't have the first clue what a game is when it comes out and if it'd be ok for their own kid to play it.  and that's where the parents responsibility comes in.  If they are going to allow their child to play games for an activity, they should take the time to research what their kids want and if it is appropriate.  I know personally when i have kids I will research games that i do not know anything about to make sure that they are too violent or show too much skin for the kid for what age he or she is.  
I do think the standards that are in place with the industry are good, but the parents are exercising them properly.  Parents should know if their 5 year old child should get sponge bob's fun time or grand theft auto 5.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

journal 86 feb 10th 09

abraham lincoln is credited with the saying that it is better to remain silent and have everyone that you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

what i think he meant by this is really think about what you say before you say it.  most people it  seems just say whatever is on their mind and sometimes it leads to them looking foolish.  I agree with this statement because i know alot of people that tend to talk and talk but nothing that they say has any truth to it.  i don't understand why people can't admit that they don't know something or are wrong about things.  they just try to find a way to justify their words and in the end if they are wrong they look like the idiot.  

Monday, February 9, 2009

journal 85 feb 09 09

describe the image from the previous screen from memory with as much detail as you can remember.

out in the front right hand side of the picture is a little boy wearing over sized shorts and a t-shirt.  He's got his hands down in front of him crossed looking at the building behind him.
the building has a ramp in about the center that leads to a porch with a steeple looking thing on top of it.  there is another child almost at the bottom of this ramp.  to the right of this part is another steeple and a window i believe, and to the left is another steeple with what looks like bells attached to the top.  the field the first kid i described is in, looks like a field for flowers and tall grasses.  the whole picture is done in black and white.  the sky is pretty cloudy.  in the far background to the right of the picture it looks like there are houses or buildings of some sort.  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

journal 84 feb 05 09

the man who is good at excuses is seldom good for anything else
samuel foote

most people that find excuses for everything, is because they don't want to do what is asked of them.  example is my finacee's brother.  he's the guitarist/vocalist for their band.  he would find every excuse why he didn't practice or didn't attend their practices.  his guitar playing really suffered due to this.  after a while they were getting to the decision to keep him or look for another person to replace him.  he finally got the hint and began to practice, he's still behind the rest of the band but he is improving.  

moral of the story, just do what you need to do and it will be easier on yourself and others in the end.

i think samuel foote what a man that had to deal with a lot of people that gave him excuses.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

journal 82 feb 3rd 09

continue the story from yesterday

hillside rehabilitation clinic $5000 may 12 1987
griggs formal wear $200.00 april 13 1990
mastson funeral home $7000 dec 20 1994

well the freemans had somewhat a setback with their child.  They got into drugs and had to send them off to rehab.  After a few years, the child recovered from their addiction and found a spouse!!  So they planned a marriage in April 1990.  Everything was going well, until in 1994 grandpa fell sick and evenutally died.  They had to have the funeral late december.  Christmas was a sad day. 

the end

Monday, February 2, 2009

journal 81 feb 02 09

In early January, the Freemans found out that Jane was pregnant with a new baby!  So they went shopping at Kids R Us to get a crib and clothes for the baby.  Later in August their bundle of joy was born.  As the years went by they were a happy little family.  They decided for their kiddo to buy them some new toys at target for their 2nd birthday.  The kids was happy as were the parents!  

the end

Thursday, January 29, 2009

We should every night call ourselves to an account; what infirmity have I mastered today? What passions opposed? what temptation resisted? what virtue acquired? our vices will abort of themselves if they be brought every day to the shrift.

When I get home I usually do this by just thinking about my day.  What did i do wrong and how could i improve on myself.  Did I do the best i could?  Was i patient enough with people today?  I deal with the public so patience is my biggest issue.  I tend to learn more and more patience the more people I deal with.  My biggest temptation is to just let me speak my mind about whatever I am feeling.  I have a couple co-workers that like to say things I don't agree with but get very upset if i question them.  I have to resist the temptation of just letting myself say exactly what I think about them and their beliefs.  
Patience and tolerance is the two biggest virtues that I am acquiring throughout my days.  It's much easy to blow up at people than bite your tongue and let them  just ramble on about everything that they want to say. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

journal 79 jan 28th 09

Gum's step mother's husband was an eccentric man who had three sons. The first was named while he worked as a pea farmer, so he named his first son "snap." The second son was named while he was sitting in front of a roaring fire, so he named the second son "krackle." Finally his third son was born while he worked at a cereal processing plant.  What did he name his third son?


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

journal 78 jan 27th 09

Mark Twain successfully predicted the day he would die.
If you knew how lone you had left to live, what would you do differently? What would you change? Would you go somewhere, or do something?   Is there someone you would like to meet? Would you live more selflessly or more selfishly? Why?

If i knew when I was going to die, I wouldn't change most of how i live now.  I would just want to spend the rest of the time with my finacee and my family.  I would like to travel the world, japan and ireland being the main points i would like to see.  Mainly though, I would just want to spend what time i have left with the people i love going to the places i haven't seen yet.  

Monday, January 26, 2009

journal 77 jan 26th 09

Two ladies took their daughters shopping.  Each lady and each daughter bought two dresses but each returned all but one of their dresses before leaving the Mall. When they left, they only had three garments with them. why?

it was grandmother, mother, and daughter.  so only a total of 3 ladies. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

journal 76 jan 22nd

Outside knowledge can enhance an idea
Why do we sense danger, hope, fear, love, anticipation?
How can you show it in your 2D designs?

Our senses are just our perception of reality and all the things going on around us.  What some of us fear others do not.  A good example of this is, I can not wait to grow old and live my life.  Old people have such awesome stories about everything that's happened to them throughout their lives.  I want to be like that.  My co-worker that is 18 she dreads getting old, she doesn't want to become senile or stuck with a cane.  She sees aging as a bad thing.  Perception is a big part on how we sense things.

You can show this in designs by placing images in a certain way.  In the example picture on the board there is a girl walking down the railroad track with a train behind her.  Some people may see this as she is about to get hit and needs to move.  Others might see it as a train broken down and her just happily skipping down the tracks.  
Another example would be having maybe a sick child with a mother cradling the child in her arms.  Some people might percieve this as death or despair, whereas some might see it as hope and love.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

journal 75 jan 21st 09

write the colors of the words below (don't say)
red blue orange purple 
orange blue green red
green red purple blue 
blue red green orange 
red green orange purple
orange blue purple green
purple green orange red 
blue red green orange 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

journal 74 jan 20th 09

ts'i mahnu uterna ot twan ot geifur hingts uto.
it's human nature to want to figure things out.

Friday, January 16, 2009

journal 73 jan 16 09

springtime, winger, cold, anger, love, devotion, technology, alone, confused, heat, speed, intelligence, movement, weight, weightlessness, automatic, power, weakness, frozen, quiet, hope, tradition, innocence, connectivity, sound, constrained, imprisoned, freedom, torn, anticipation, danger, lost

take three of these words and in paragraph form, brainstorm.  what do they mean to you and how could you express them visually.

I chose the words devotion, tradition, and anticipation.  I chose these mainly because they describe what's going on in my life at the moment.  I am going to be married this year in June.  

Visually I could picture the word anticipation a picture of the bride with her bridesmaids and family getting ready right before the wedding on one side and on the other, the groom and his bestmen and family doing the same with nervousness in their eyes.  
Tradition i would envision the bride walking down the aisle with her father.  
Devotion would be the bride and groom says their vows and i do's!  

It's a wedding theme but it's what is on  my mind!  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

journal 72 jan 15th 09

Below is the Private Venture Space Craft: Spaceship, attached to an experimental launch craft.  Craft like this may allow the public to vacation in space in the not so distant future.  

I think with this craft, it might spawn more companies to do the same.  And with competition is may become affordable for people to actually get to go into space.  Maybe it's the start of a star trek star wars future where eventually you can own your own space craft! *glee*

In my lifetime I would expect something like this to come along.  We have already taken people into space, sent probes into distant space.  We just have to figure out how we could safely make a trip to distant places without either dying from old age to get there or speed up travel where humans can withstand the g-force of the speeds.  In movies, we seen hibernation tubes that people are in a comatose state until arrival.  But that's where the technology we don't have much of is.  We have knowledge of how to safely preserve people in cryogenics but not how to unthaw them where there isn't permenant brain damage or people shatter.  (at least to my knowledge)  

All in all, I want my own spacecraft to fly around in and look at the stars from above earth.... :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

journal 71 jan 14th 09

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.  No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
*Elbert Hubbard

No matter what technology arises, it cannnot do the things man can accomplish.  It only can do what we program it to do.  Until actual Artificial Intelligence is created (or born?), machines are just what we want them to be.

I agree wholeheartedly with this quote.  No matter how much I want machines to create ideas for me, they can't.  They only do what i tell them to.  I could wish all day for a computer to write my next essay, but unless I tell it the information I want it to be about, it will sit there with a blank screen.

In the banking industry, we have software that ties into all the accounts for my bank.  I can see account from Albuquerque and Hobbs as well as Carlsbad.   But if i don't tell the software that I want to cash a check on an account it won't do anything.  Also, if we lose power or our network, we have to do everything by hand.  A machine can't work without power, and without a network we can't access information from the software database.  So that's where the good ol' pen and paper comes to play until we get things back up and running.  

On the artist side of me, I can create much better drawings using a pencil that a computer could.  They may be more pricise, but the beauty in art is all the flaws and perfections of the individual artist.  I once heard and one of the mid-evil times artists showed what a great artist he was by drawing a perfect circle.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

journal 70 jan 13th 09

The most important issue in the heart of mankind is the self.  We are at the core "self-ish" beings whole-heartedly devoted to self-preservation, self-fulfillment, and the protection of our self-esteem and self- worth.  Even the current obsession with volunteerism is based on boosting out self-worth as we help those we deem less fortunate than ourselves.

What I think the author means is that there is no person in this world that is totally selfless.  Each person usually puts their own worth and well being over that of another persons.  

This quote makes me just realize that we are very unique beings in that most other beings look out for one another.  We usually take care of "number one."  In all the industries that I have worked in, I have gotten to see this.  People in the food industry are usually younger people that don't want to work.  They just show up and do as little as possible to get a paycheck.  In the banking industry, I have seen an improvement on this but not much.  People are lazy and selfish.  They don't want to work for anything.  Until more people realize that to get anywhere you have to put some effort and not just be selfish and let work be done for you, were spirialling downward.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Journal 69 jan 12th 2009

What are your hopes professionally?
My hopes are to land a job that allows me to work from home, while designing characters for movies or for games, possibly comics.  I really enjoy drawing people and emotions.

As design becomes easier, more and more people are flooding the marketplace.

Do you have a plan to succeed?
I plan on continuing going to school to help further my knowledge of the programs that are necessary for creating characters.  I also in my free time, draw and create characters of my own, with their own stories to keep my mind fresh with ideas.  When i can't think of ideas I draw characters from games, movies and comics that I like.  Once done with school, I plan to get my portfolio together and send it to smaller gaming companies in hopes to get a job.  From there I hope it's just all going up and up to better jobs.

What do you hope will set you apart from the rest of the pack?
One thing that sets me apart is first just being a woman.  In the industry i want to go into there isn't very many women.  I will have to prove myself able to do the same work or even better work than my male counterparts.  I already have a unique style of drawing.  

Give a description of your ideal job and how you intend to obtain it.
My ideal job would be one just getting to stay at home to create characters.  I plan on having kids when I'm around 30, and I would like to be a stay at home mom if possible.  If i could stay at home with my kids and have a job that would be beautiful.  

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Post

Blah Blah Blah.  Journals to follow.