Thursday, January 15, 2009

journal 72 jan 15th 09

Below is the Private Venture Space Craft: Spaceship, attached to an experimental launch craft.  Craft like this may allow the public to vacation in space in the not so distant future.  

I think with this craft, it might spawn more companies to do the same.  And with competition is may become affordable for people to actually get to go into space.  Maybe it's the start of a star trek star wars future where eventually you can own your own space craft! *glee*

In my lifetime I would expect something like this to come along.  We have already taken people into space, sent probes into distant space.  We just have to figure out how we could safely make a trip to distant places without either dying from old age to get there or speed up travel where humans can withstand the g-force of the speeds.  In movies, we seen hibernation tubes that people are in a comatose state until arrival.  But that's where the technology we don't have much of is.  We have knowledge of how to safely preserve people in cryogenics but not how to unthaw them where there isn't permenant brain damage or people shatter.  (at least to my knowledge)  

All in all, I want my own spacecraft to fly around in and look at the stars from above earth.... :)

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