Thursday, February 5, 2009

journal 84 feb 05 09

the man who is good at excuses is seldom good for anything else
samuel foote

most people that find excuses for everything, is because they don't want to do what is asked of them.  example is my finacee's brother.  he's the guitarist/vocalist for their band.  he would find every excuse why he didn't practice or didn't attend their practices.  his guitar playing really suffered due to this.  after a while they were getting to the decision to keep him or look for another person to replace him.  he finally got the hint and began to practice, he's still behind the rest of the band but he is improving.  

moral of the story, just do what you need to do and it will be easier on yourself and others in the end.

i think samuel foote what a man that had to deal with a lot of people that gave him excuses.  

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