Wednesday, April 15, 2009

journal 19 april 15 09

on day 13 you created a summary of your story.  the summary gives you the basics on which oyou can hang the details of your story.  over the next few days, you will add muscle and flesh to your story.  tell us more about the bits and pieces that you have us previously. using the narrative format, weave the summary into a story.  
Previous text.
A tall lanky man is shown walking through the streets of what would be a city being rebuilt.  It looks as if nuclear war had happened.  He's walking alone with his headset on listening to his favorite band.  As he is walking, a girl running in the opposite direction nearly knocks him down when she runs into him.  She catches herself and glances at the man for a brief second before she starts running again, not noticing that she dropped a notebook.  He picks it up and begins to tell her of her lost possession, but she is too far gone.  He debates a moment before he opens it.  It reads a name and an address.  After a few more moments of debating, he decides to go to the address to return the notebook.  He heads to the address to find an old worn down industrial building.  He pokes his head in to see if there is any people around.  When finding no one he walks inside.  After looking around the dimly lit room, he sees a door with a faint light coming out from underneath the door.  Hoping that someone would be in there he advances to the door. 
He walks into a large dimly lit, musty chamber.  he sees a huge alien black cylinder glowing softly in the center if the room
he walks over and touches it.  the room begins to crumble.  dark and intense music plays, the screen fades to black.

The man wakes up in a room not knowing where he is.  He takes in the scenery.  He's on a bed made up of old blankets in a very run down room.  With the presence of some make shift pots and pans, and some discarded clothing, it looks as if someone has been living here recently.  He sits up and a huge headache is pounding at his brain.  He looks around another minute.  On the table beside him, there is a photo.  He picks it up and begins to look at it.  His jaw drops.  It's him, and his friend that has been missing.  He flips over the picture, it reads "Klarke and Jaine, Weekend at the Daubs."  Who would have had this picture?  How did they get ahold of it?  He begins to stand up and exit the room.  As he leaves the room, he realizes that it seems somewhat familiar.  He opens the door and walks outside.  It hits him, he is back in his old neighborhood.  Everything is run down or destroyed. How did he get here?  Who brought him here?  Why did they have that picture?  
It's in this moment he feels like he must search out to see if someone knows the whereabouts of Jaine.  But the main question is, where to start?  He takes another look at the photo, and decides to head to the place the party was at.  Feeling around in his hoodie pockets, he finds his MP3 player and puts his headphones on.  So begins the Klarke's journey.  
As he's walking to the house to see if he can find anymore clues, Klarke feels as if he is being watched or even followed.  After looking around several times, he dismisses it as just paranoia from being put in this situation. 

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