Monday, February 9, 2009

journal 85 feb 09 09

describe the image from the previous screen from memory with as much detail as you can remember.

out in the front right hand side of the picture is a little boy wearing over sized shorts and a t-shirt.  He's got his hands down in front of him crossed looking at the building behind him.
the building has a ramp in about the center that leads to a porch with a steeple looking thing on top of it.  there is another child almost at the bottom of this ramp.  to the right of this part is another steeple and a window i believe, and to the left is another steeple with what looks like bells attached to the top.  the field the first kid i described is in, looks like a field for flowers and tall grasses.  the whole picture is done in black and white.  the sky is pretty cloudy.  in the far background to the right of the picture it looks like there are houses or buildings of some sort.  

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