Monday, March 2, 2009

journal 97 march 02 09

on a recent tv show, a woman admitted that she had cheated on her husband and would leave him if her ex boyfriend would have her, she had lied on her resume and she was once arrested for stealing from her employer, and yet she still considered herself a good person?
what is your definition of "good"? in a paragraph or two explain what constitutes a bad person is does or does not do.

to me a bad person is one who is a compulsive liar, only does things that will benefit themselves, very two faced.   bad people aren't patient, considerate or generally nice.  they think of the worst first and expect all the bad things in the world to happen to them.  generally, bad people are just people i do not care to be around and avoid at all costs.  in the paragraph above, there could have been reasons why the woman did what she did and would consider herself a good person still.  her husband could have been abusive, she might have lied about how long she worked at a job or why she quit because she was embaressed, and maybe the stealing was accidental.  who knows. 

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