Tuesday, April 21, 2009

journal 23 april 21st 09


After weeks of searching, trials of all sorts, battle after battle, Klarke finally finds Jaine.  She finally let her gaurd down to let him in.  The feeling of relief as he holds her in his arms is almost unreal.  He can't believe he's finally got her back.  She looks up at him with tears in her eyes realizing what she's been missing all these years.  They just stay in an embrace for a few minutes before speaking.  He just quietly tells her that he's been waiting for her, trying to find her.  He would have searched until his death to get her back.  She says to him that she had been watching over him for quite sometime to see if he had changed.  She wasn't ready to have her heart broken again and she had to be sure.  They hug again and she looks up at him in the embrace and just smiles and then puts her head on  his shoulder.  The End. 

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