Wednesday, April 1, 2009

journal 10 april 1st 09

file compression works be fining repeating elements and encoding them using a key
the three kids threw a ball through the theater
key "th-2" and "thre-3"
2e 3e kids 3w 2e ball through 2e 2eater. (saved 14 characters)
encode the following sentence using a key that you design:
Jack Sprat would eat no fat, his wife would eat no lean.  And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

the=2 wo=3 ea=4 at =5 no=6 ck=7

Ja7 Spr5 3uld 4t 6 f5, his wife 3uld 4t 6 l4n.  And so between 2 t3 of 2m 2y li7ed 2 pl4ter cl4n.


23 saved 

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