Wednesday, February 11, 2009

journal 87 feb 11 09

controlling the contest of excessively violent video games is a topic currently under discussing among game developers and politicians
the question that is being ask is not "if" it should be controlled but by whom
should the game industry be externally or internally controlled by who, is a government, industry, game or parental responsibility?
what standards should be placed and how should they be enforced.

I definately do not think it should be the government that controls video games.  I would lean towards the parents and the industry.  the industry should take it upon themselves, like they have in the past, to have ratings for the games for the appropriate audiences.  I know some parents don't have the first clue what a game is when it comes out and if it'd be ok for their own kid to play it.  and that's where the parents responsibility comes in.  If they are going to allow their child to play games for an activity, they should take the time to research what their kids want and if it is appropriate.  I know personally when i have kids I will research games that i do not know anything about to make sure that they are too violent or show too much skin for the kid for what age he or she is.  
I do think the standards that are in place with the industry are good, but the parents are exercising them properly.  Parents should know if their 5 year old child should get sponge bob's fun time or grand theft auto 5.  

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