Monday, January 12, 2009

Journal 69 jan 12th 2009

What are your hopes professionally?
My hopes are to land a job that allows me to work from home, while designing characters for movies or for games, possibly comics.  I really enjoy drawing people and emotions.

As design becomes easier, more and more people are flooding the marketplace.

Do you have a plan to succeed?
I plan on continuing going to school to help further my knowledge of the programs that are necessary for creating characters.  I also in my free time, draw and create characters of my own, with their own stories to keep my mind fresh with ideas.  When i can't think of ideas I draw characters from games, movies and comics that I like.  Once done with school, I plan to get my portfolio together and send it to smaller gaming companies in hopes to get a job.  From there I hope it's just all going up and up to better jobs.

What do you hope will set you apart from the rest of the pack?
One thing that sets me apart is first just being a woman.  In the industry i want to go into there isn't very many women.  I will have to prove myself able to do the same work or even better work than my male counterparts.  I already have a unique style of drawing.  

Give a description of your ideal job and how you intend to obtain it.
My ideal job would be one just getting to stay at home to create characters.  I plan on having kids when I'm around 30, and I would like to be a stay at home mom if possible.  If i could stay at home with my kids and have a job that would be beautiful.  

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