Thursday, April 16, 2009

journal 20 april 16th 09

continuation of the story yesterday.

As he reaches the house, thoughts flood his head about what he may or may not find.  He is scared that this is a wild goose chase.  Klarke makes his arrival at his destination but something just still doesn't feel right.  He walks up to the door and is about to knock when something comes out of nowhere and tackles him.  It's a person but it doesn't look like a normal person.  They look mutated or deformed from some disease.  As he is lying on the ground, the person lunges again to attack him.  He rolls out of the way.  A battle ensues.  He isn't armed with anything so he defends himself the best he can, but his attacker is beginning to win.  Out of no where a dagger flies by Klarke and into the shoulder of his attacker.   He whips his head around to find another man standing there prepared to help him.  The attacker changes his fight to the new man.  After a few more daggers thrown at the person, he flees.  Klarke still in a stun of the quickness everything had happened begins to walk towards the man.  
The man is picking up his daggers that the attacker had thrown out of his body before his departure.  "The name is Russell, no need for thanks.  I've been following you and him for some time now." Klarke just stands there speechless for a moment, still deciphering what just happened.   "He has radiation sickness, it effects people in different ways, he wanted to probably take any valuables that you had to get some drugs to ease the pain."

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