Thursday, April 30, 2009

journal 29 april 30th 2009

go to
 play the game until 230 and record your score


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

journal 27 april 28th 09

a woman lives on the tenth floor of an apartment building. every morning she takes the elevator all the way down, and goes to work.  in the evening, she gets into the elevator, and goes to work.  in the evening, she gets into the elevator, and if there is someone else in it she goes back to her floor directly.  otherwise, she goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to her apartment.  why?

she's too short to reach the buttons, or she likes exercise

Monday, April 27, 2009

journal 26 april 27th 09

there are four people in an adventure race that need to get across a lake.  they have a small canoe.  the rules say that only the slowest person in the canoe can paddle, only one or two can be in the canoe at a time, and they must all cross in the canoe.  from practice they know that: ann can paddle across in 1 minute.  bill can paddle across in 2 minutes.  sue can paddle across in 5 minutes.  mike can paddle across in 10 minutes.  

how do they get everyone across the river in the fastest time without breaking the rules?

take mike sue and ann, drop off mike and sue. (that's 10 min)  ann rows back (1 min)  then picks up bill goes back (2 min) total of 13 min

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

journal 23 april 21st 09


After weeks of searching, trials of all sorts, battle after battle, Klarke finally finds Jaine.  She finally let her gaurd down to let him in.  The feeling of relief as he holds her in his arms is almost unreal.  He can't believe he's finally got her back.  She looks up at him with tears in her eyes realizing what she's been missing all these years.  They just stay in an embrace for a few minutes before speaking.  He just quietly tells her that he's been waiting for her, trying to find her.  He would have searched until his death to get her back.  She says to him that she had been watching over him for quite sometime to see if he had changed.  She wasn't ready to have her heart broken again and she had to be sure.  They hug again and she looks up at him in the embrace and just smiles and then puts her head on  his shoulder.  The End. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

journal 22 april 20th 09

describe some conflict that your character faces.

The major conflict that the protagonist faces in the story is the battle of his mind to find his lost friend he presumed dead after years of not hearing from her.  He receives clues about her existence, but every time he feels that he is close to finding her, he has a major setback in one form or another.  
The other female character faces the conflict of being able to trust again.  She wants to be with her friend, but she fears the outcome of what may transpire if she lets her feelings be known to him.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

journal 20 april 16th 09

continuation of the story yesterday.

As he reaches the house, thoughts flood his head about what he may or may not find.  He is scared that this is a wild goose chase.  Klarke makes his arrival at his destination but something just still doesn't feel right.  He walks up to the door and is about to knock when something comes out of nowhere and tackles him.  It's a person but it doesn't look like a normal person.  They look mutated or deformed from some disease.  As he is lying on the ground, the person lunges again to attack him.  He rolls out of the way.  A battle ensues.  He isn't armed with anything so he defends himself the best he can, but his attacker is beginning to win.  Out of no where a dagger flies by Klarke and into the shoulder of his attacker.   He whips his head around to find another man standing there prepared to help him.  The attacker changes his fight to the new man.  After a few more daggers thrown at the person, he flees.  Klarke still in a stun of the quickness everything had happened begins to walk towards the man.  
The man is picking up his daggers that the attacker had thrown out of his body before his departure.  "The name is Russell, no need for thanks.  I've been following you and him for some time now." Klarke just stands there speechless for a moment, still deciphering what just happened.   "He has radiation sickness, it effects people in different ways, he wanted to probably take any valuables that you had to get some drugs to ease the pain."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

journal 19 april 15 09

on day 13 you created a summary of your story.  the summary gives you the basics on which oyou can hang the details of your story.  over the next few days, you will add muscle and flesh to your story.  tell us more about the bits and pieces that you have us previously. using the narrative format, weave the summary into a story.  
Previous text.
A tall lanky man is shown walking through the streets of what would be a city being rebuilt.  It looks as if nuclear war had happened.  He's walking alone with his headset on listening to his favorite band.  As he is walking, a girl running in the opposite direction nearly knocks him down when she runs into him.  She catches herself and glances at the man for a brief second before she starts running again, not noticing that she dropped a notebook.  He picks it up and begins to tell her of her lost possession, but she is too far gone.  He debates a moment before he opens it.  It reads a name and an address.  After a few more moments of debating, he decides to go to the address to return the notebook.  He heads to the address to find an old worn down industrial building.  He pokes his head in to see if there is any people around.  When finding no one he walks inside.  After looking around the dimly lit room, he sees a door with a faint light coming out from underneath the door.  Hoping that someone would be in there he advances to the door. 
He walks into a large dimly lit, musty chamber.  he sees a huge alien black cylinder glowing softly in the center if the room
he walks over and touches it.  the room begins to crumble.  dark and intense music plays, the screen fades to black.

The man wakes up in a room not knowing where he is.  He takes in the scenery.  He's on a bed made up of old blankets in a very run down room.  With the presence of some make shift pots and pans, and some discarded clothing, it looks as if someone has been living here recently.  He sits up and a huge headache is pounding at his brain.  He looks around another minute.  On the table beside him, there is a photo.  He picks it up and begins to look at it.  His jaw drops.  It's him, and his friend that has been missing.  He flips over the picture, it reads "Klarke and Jaine, Weekend at the Daubs."  Who would have had this picture?  How did they get ahold of it?  He begins to stand up and exit the room.  As he leaves the room, he realizes that it seems somewhat familiar.  He opens the door and walks outside.  It hits him, he is back in his old neighborhood.  Everything is run down or destroyed. How did he get here?  Who brought him here?  Why did they have that picture?  
It's in this moment he feels like he must search out to see if someone knows the whereabouts of Jaine.  But the main question is, where to start?  He takes another look at the photo, and decides to head to the place the party was at.  Feeling around in his hoodie pockets, he finds his MP3 player and puts his headphones on.  So begins the Klarke's journey.  
As he's walking to the house to see if he can find anymore clues, Klarke feels as if he is being watched or even followed.  After looking around several times, he dismisses it as just paranoia from being put in this situation. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

journal 18 april 14th 09

The protagonist awakes in a room on a bed.  The room is dark, industrial looking with pipes and sheet metal for the walls and on the ceiling.  The bed is a make shift bed made out of some old blankets and one worn out box spring.  Next to the bed is a barrel that is supposed to be like a night stand.  On the nightstand is a picture. The picture is of several people at what seems to be a party.  There is several other barrels and boxes that looked like were used to store food and clothing for someone recently.  On the wall, is a mural to what the city used to look like before the war.  In the mural there are two people standing looking over the city.  

journal 17 april 9th 09

psychological profile of the woman.
she was separated from her family and friends during the war.  During this time, she found a new make shift family with other people that had also been separated.  In her past, she was a very happy outgoing girl that love life and being around her friends.  After the fact, she has become distant to most people, not wanting to get attached to someone only to lose them.  She later finds her friend that she used to be very close to, but doesn't know if he still the same about her, so she slowly leaves clues about her existence to see his reactions.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

journal 16 april 8th 09

The other main character is a female.  She is in her early 20's, but has a very young face.  She's about 5'4" and weighs about 120lbs.  She has short reddish brown hair, but tends to wear beanies.  She has big blue eyes, with full lips.  She has piercings in her ears, eyebrow and lip.  She's wearing a long black cardigan,  with a bright orange shirt underneath.  Her pants are made of lightweight material that are frayed because they were too long for her.  She wears converse shoes that are black and white.  She wears a watch on her left wrist even though it doesn't work.  Her relationship with the protagonist is she runs into him and he finds her notebook.  She keeps reappearing throughout the game leaving clues behind as to the whereabouts of his lost friend.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

journal 15 april 7th 09

The man i described yesterday is a very shy person.  He has many friends but few close ones.  He's been hurt many times in the past, so trust is a huge issue with him.  He always carries his MP3 player because he finds peace in music.  Music can create all sorts of emotions in a person.  The bracelet that he wears was given to him by a friend that he fell in love with.  This person disappeared during the massive war that went on in the city a few years back.  He keeps it on as a reminder of a person that gave him a chance.   Even in the times where the city is in a state of chaos, he doesn't carry weapons because he doesn't believe that violence is always the answer.  He relies on his wits to get him through most situations.  He isn't opposed to picking up a weapon if his life is in danger, but only as a lasts resort.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

journal 14 april 06 09

the main character is male, in his mid twenties.  He's tall, about 6'2" and lanky weighing about 180lbs.  He's got short sandy blonde hair that is usually kept hidden in a fedora hat.  He's got small brown eyes, a bigger nose than normal.  He's wearing a black hoodie with wide legged jeans. He wears what most people call skater shoes, they are wide soled and black.  He's got a pink bracelet on his left wrist and a pair of sunglasses.  He's also got his MP3 player always attached to his ears.  In the beginning his doesn't have any weapons beyond his wits.  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

journal 11 april 2nd 09

write the intro sequence for a new game
your story starts as the protagonist walks into a large dimly lit, musty chamber.  he/she/it sees a huge alien black cylinder glowing softly in the center if the room
he/she/it walks over and touches it.  the room begins to crumble.  dark and intense music plays, the screen fades to black and the game play begins.

A tall lanky man is shown walking through the streets of what would be a city being rebuilt.  It looks as if nuclear war had happened.  He's walking alone with his headset on listening to his favorite band.  As he is walking, a girl running in the opposite direction nearly knocks him down when she runs into him.  She catches herself and glances at the man for a brief second before she starts running again, not noticing that she dropped a notebook.  He picks it up and begins to tell her of her lost possession, but she is too far gone.  He debates a moment before he opens it.  It reads a name and an address.  After a few more moments of debating, he decides to go to the address to return the notebook.  He heads to the address to find an old worn down industrial building.  He pokes his head in to see if there is any people around.  When finding no one he walks inside.  After looking around the dimly lit room, he sees a door with a faint light coming out from underneath the door.  Hoping that someone would be in there he advances to the door.    *enter the scene above*

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

journal 10 april 1st 09

file compression works be fining repeating elements and encoding them using a key
the three kids threw a ball through the theater
key "th-2" and "thre-3"
2e 3e kids 3w 2e ball through 2e 2eater. (saved 14 characters)
encode the following sentence using a key that you design:
Jack Sprat would eat no fat, his wife would eat no lean.  And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

the=2 wo=3 ea=4 at =5 no=6 ck=7

Ja7 Spr5 3uld 4t 6 f5, his wife 3uld 4t 6 l4n.  And so between 2 t3 of 2m 2y li7ed 2 pl4ter cl4n.


23 saved