Thursday, January 29, 2009

We should every night call ourselves to an account; what infirmity have I mastered today? What passions opposed? what temptation resisted? what virtue acquired? our vices will abort of themselves if they be brought every day to the shrift.

When I get home I usually do this by just thinking about my day.  What did i do wrong and how could i improve on myself.  Did I do the best i could?  Was i patient enough with people today?  I deal with the public so patience is my biggest issue.  I tend to learn more and more patience the more people I deal with.  My biggest temptation is to just let me speak my mind about whatever I am feeling.  I have a couple co-workers that like to say things I don't agree with but get very upset if i question them.  I have to resist the temptation of just letting myself say exactly what I think about them and their beliefs.  
Patience and tolerance is the two biggest virtues that I am acquiring throughout my days.  It's much easy to blow up at people than bite your tongue and let them  just ramble on about everything that they want to say. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

journal 79 jan 28th 09

Gum's step mother's husband was an eccentric man who had three sons. The first was named while he worked as a pea farmer, so he named his first son "snap." The second son was named while he was sitting in front of a roaring fire, so he named the second son "krackle." Finally his third son was born while he worked at a cereal processing plant.  What did he name his third son?


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

journal 78 jan 27th 09

Mark Twain successfully predicted the day he would die.
If you knew how lone you had left to live, what would you do differently? What would you change? Would you go somewhere, or do something?   Is there someone you would like to meet? Would you live more selflessly or more selfishly? Why?

If i knew when I was going to die, I wouldn't change most of how i live now.  I would just want to spend the rest of the time with my finacee and my family.  I would like to travel the world, japan and ireland being the main points i would like to see.  Mainly though, I would just want to spend what time i have left with the people i love going to the places i haven't seen yet.  

Monday, January 26, 2009

journal 77 jan 26th 09

Two ladies took their daughters shopping.  Each lady and each daughter bought two dresses but each returned all but one of their dresses before leaving the Mall. When they left, they only had three garments with them. why?

it was grandmother, mother, and daughter.  so only a total of 3 ladies. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

journal 76 jan 22nd

Outside knowledge can enhance an idea
Why do we sense danger, hope, fear, love, anticipation?
How can you show it in your 2D designs?

Our senses are just our perception of reality and all the things going on around us.  What some of us fear others do not.  A good example of this is, I can not wait to grow old and live my life.  Old people have such awesome stories about everything that's happened to them throughout their lives.  I want to be like that.  My co-worker that is 18 she dreads getting old, she doesn't want to become senile or stuck with a cane.  She sees aging as a bad thing.  Perception is a big part on how we sense things.

You can show this in designs by placing images in a certain way.  In the example picture on the board there is a girl walking down the railroad track with a train behind her.  Some people may see this as she is about to get hit and needs to move.  Others might see it as a train broken down and her just happily skipping down the tracks.  
Another example would be having maybe a sick child with a mother cradling the child in her arms.  Some people might percieve this as death or despair, whereas some might see it as hope and love.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

journal 75 jan 21st 09

write the colors of the words below (don't say)
red blue orange purple 
orange blue green red
green red purple blue 
blue red green orange 
red green orange purple
orange blue purple green
purple green orange red 
blue red green orange 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

journal 74 jan 20th 09

ts'i mahnu uterna ot twan ot geifur hingts uto.
it's human nature to want to figure things out.

Friday, January 16, 2009

journal 73 jan 16 09

springtime, winger, cold, anger, love, devotion, technology, alone, confused, heat, speed, intelligence, movement, weight, weightlessness, automatic, power, weakness, frozen, quiet, hope, tradition, innocence, connectivity, sound, constrained, imprisoned, freedom, torn, anticipation, danger, lost

take three of these words and in paragraph form, brainstorm.  what do they mean to you and how could you express them visually.

I chose the words devotion, tradition, and anticipation.  I chose these mainly because they describe what's going on in my life at the moment.  I am going to be married this year in June.  

Visually I could picture the word anticipation a picture of the bride with her bridesmaids and family getting ready right before the wedding on one side and on the other, the groom and his bestmen and family doing the same with nervousness in their eyes.  
Tradition i would envision the bride walking down the aisle with her father.  
Devotion would be the bride and groom says their vows and i do's!  

It's a wedding theme but it's what is on  my mind!  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

journal 72 jan 15th 09

Below is the Private Venture Space Craft: Spaceship, attached to an experimental launch craft.  Craft like this may allow the public to vacation in space in the not so distant future.  

I think with this craft, it might spawn more companies to do the same.  And with competition is may become affordable for people to actually get to go into space.  Maybe it's the start of a star trek star wars future where eventually you can own your own space craft! *glee*

In my lifetime I would expect something like this to come along.  We have already taken people into space, sent probes into distant space.  We just have to figure out how we could safely make a trip to distant places without either dying from old age to get there or speed up travel where humans can withstand the g-force of the speeds.  In movies, we seen hibernation tubes that people are in a comatose state until arrival.  But that's where the technology we don't have much of is.  We have knowledge of how to safely preserve people in cryogenics but not how to unthaw them where there isn't permenant brain damage or people shatter.  (at least to my knowledge)  

All in all, I want my own spacecraft to fly around in and look at the stars from above earth.... :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

journal 71 jan 14th 09

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.  No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
*Elbert Hubbard

No matter what technology arises, it cannnot do the things man can accomplish.  It only can do what we program it to do.  Until actual Artificial Intelligence is created (or born?), machines are just what we want them to be.

I agree wholeheartedly with this quote.  No matter how much I want machines to create ideas for me, they can't.  They only do what i tell them to.  I could wish all day for a computer to write my next essay, but unless I tell it the information I want it to be about, it will sit there with a blank screen.

In the banking industry, we have software that ties into all the accounts for my bank.  I can see account from Albuquerque and Hobbs as well as Carlsbad.   But if i don't tell the software that I want to cash a check on an account it won't do anything.  Also, if we lose power or our network, we have to do everything by hand.  A machine can't work without power, and without a network we can't access information from the software database.  So that's where the good ol' pen and paper comes to play until we get things back up and running.  

On the artist side of me, I can create much better drawings using a pencil that a computer could.  They may be more pricise, but the beauty in art is all the flaws and perfections of the individual artist.  I once heard and one of the mid-evil times artists showed what a great artist he was by drawing a perfect circle.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

journal 70 jan 13th 09

The most important issue in the heart of mankind is the self.  We are at the core "self-ish" beings whole-heartedly devoted to self-preservation, self-fulfillment, and the protection of our self-esteem and self- worth.  Even the current obsession with volunteerism is based on boosting out self-worth as we help those we deem less fortunate than ourselves.

What I think the author means is that there is no person in this world that is totally selfless.  Each person usually puts their own worth and well being over that of another persons.  

This quote makes me just realize that we are very unique beings in that most other beings look out for one another.  We usually take care of "number one."  In all the industries that I have worked in, I have gotten to see this.  People in the food industry are usually younger people that don't want to work.  They just show up and do as little as possible to get a paycheck.  In the banking industry, I have seen an improvement on this but not much.  People are lazy and selfish.  They don't want to work for anything.  Until more people realize that to get anywhere you have to put some effort and not just be selfish and let work be done for you, were spirialling downward.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Journal 69 jan 12th 2009

What are your hopes professionally?
My hopes are to land a job that allows me to work from home, while designing characters for movies or for games, possibly comics.  I really enjoy drawing people and emotions.

As design becomes easier, more and more people are flooding the marketplace.

Do you have a plan to succeed?
I plan on continuing going to school to help further my knowledge of the programs that are necessary for creating characters.  I also in my free time, draw and create characters of my own, with their own stories to keep my mind fresh with ideas.  When i can't think of ideas I draw characters from games, movies and comics that I like.  Once done with school, I plan to get my portfolio together and send it to smaller gaming companies in hopes to get a job.  From there I hope it's just all going up and up to better jobs.

What do you hope will set you apart from the rest of the pack?
One thing that sets me apart is first just being a woman.  In the industry i want to go into there isn't very many women.  I will have to prove myself able to do the same work or even better work than my male counterparts.  I already have a unique style of drawing.  

Give a description of your ideal job and how you intend to obtain it.
My ideal job would be one just getting to stay at home to create characters.  I plan on having kids when I'm around 30, and I would like to be a stay at home mom if possible.  If i could stay at home with my kids and have a job that would be beautiful.  

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Post

Blah Blah Blah.  Journals to follow.