Monday, March 30, 2009

journal 8 march 30th 09

my spring break was a pretty fun one.  i didn't like having to work all day after being used to getting my 2 hour break coming to class.  my friend randy came down and got here on thursday.  also on thursday i was a cowboy hahaha!  relay for life started for my bank and last week was western week.  i spent the weekend with zip, loni, zac, and randy playing games until the wee hours of the morning so that was pretty fun!  all in all, spring break was pretty epic.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

journal 7 march 18th 09

if you were given $2,000,000 that had to be spent in one day on things that would disappear after that day, what would you spend it on?

I would probably gather up all 400 million of my relatives, and my friends, we'd head out to somewhere fun that none of us have been to.  we live how i think we deserve to live for that one day.  i would get them all their favorite foods, drinks, whatever they wanted for that day.  i care alot of my family and those friends i have.  it'd be epic to treat them for a day how i really could if i had the money.  hell we'd go to the moon!  

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

journal 6 march 7th 09

eskimos are excellent hunters who have a great reverence for the world and animals around them, traditionally they have not hunted penguins.
why do you think this is?  what cultural, religious or other factors do you think would influence their decision?

#1 penguins are adorable.  just had to get that out there.
i am not sure of cultural or religious reasons, but i would think maybe because penguins are a passive creature, and most wouldn't be worth the hunt to feed many.  their skins might be useful but a seal would have the same aspect of the skins but with more benefits with the food and the blubber to use to heat things or whatever else you use blubber for.  

journal 5 march 16th

blogger would not cooperate for me on this day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

journal 4 march 13th 09

a man left home in a hurry and ran a ways, the he turned left and ran the same distance, finally he turned left again, and then ran home.
when he got home there were two masked men waiting for m
who were they?

catcher and umpire.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

journal 3 march 12 09

i am weightless, but you can see me.  put me in a pail and i will make it lighter. what am i?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

journal 2 march 11 09

i went into the woods and got it.  i sat down to seek it.  i brought it home because i couldn't find it.  what is it?



Monday, March 9, 2009

journal 101 march 09 09

today is the final day of class
reflect on the past 45 days of class.
what did you enjoy? what did you dislike?
what would you like to have learned?
what can you take away from this class?

I enjoyed pretty much the whole class.  when i first started illustrator, i didn't have any love for it, and after taking this class i have grown to love it.  I like the style of vector art, so this class has taught me how to create it.  there isn't anything off the top of my head that i can think of that i disliked, other than the afore mentioned that i didn't like illustrator to begin with.  i just wish i could have spent more time with it, because i'm really enjoying working with illustrator.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

journal 100 march 5th 09

i make you weak at the worst of all times
i keep you safe, i keep you fine
i make your hands sweat and your heart grow cold.
i visit the weak, but seldom the bold.
i afflict men and women, both young and old
i will command your attention, but seldom deserve it.

what am i?

i thought fear but it doesn't keep you fine?  or does it?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

journal 99 march 4th 09

parallel we always go.
when things get hard we rarely show
a history of time gone by 
though time will face us by and by
the more that you take of me
the more of me you have to leave.

what am i?



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

journal 98 march 03 09

be you ever so quick, with vision so keen,
by your eyes, we are never seen.
unless perchance it should come to pass,
you see our reflection in the looking glass.
who are we?


Monday, March 2, 2009

journal 97 march 02 09

on a recent tv show, a woman admitted that she had cheated on her husband and would leave him if her ex boyfriend would have her, she had lied on her resume and she was once arrested for stealing from her employer, and yet she still considered herself a good person?
what is your definition of "good"? in a paragraph or two explain what constitutes a bad person is does or does not do.

to me a bad person is one who is a compulsive liar, only does things that will benefit themselves, very two faced.   bad people aren't patient, considerate or generally nice.  they think of the worst first and expect all the bad things in the world to happen to them.  generally, bad people are just people i do not care to be around and avoid at all costs.  in the paragraph above, there could have been reasons why the woman did what she did and would consider herself a good person still.  her husband could have been abusive, she might have lied about how long she worked at a job or why she quit because she was embaressed, and maybe the stealing was accidental.  who knows.